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The LRC And A Look Into February


Hey everyone! Make sure to get prepared for very cold temperatures returning next week here in WCMO! I wanted to take a look out into February with the LRC and see what it is showing for our area. First off, lets take a look at temperatures:

We look to remain only about 1-2 degrees warmer than the 30 year average for WCMO. Our precipitation forecast is show below;

So around 1.5″ to 2″ of total precipitation for the month is projected by the LRC.

This is only about 65% of average over 30 years here in WCMO(pic above). So we will be drying out a bit for the month. According to the LRC cycle we will have another active stretch of stormy weather around the 2nd week of February. This verifies well with the precipitation expectations by the week shown below. Also, take a look at snowfall expected in our area in the picture. So even though we are averaging above for temperatures, a cold snap or 2 can be expected during this stormy period and possibly dump snow in 1 or 2 larger winter storms in our area. So even if we only get 2″ of precipitation for the month, if the temperatures are right, that could be up to 28″ of snowfall at a 14:1 ratio! Not that we are getting this, but to show you that we could get a couple stronger winter storms for the month and still be behind in liquid precipitation for the month. Have a great day everyone! Subby

John Doe

John Doe

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