The Clinton City Council Regular Meeting will be held Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in City Hall, 105 E. Ohio Street, Clinton, MO.
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Minutes:
- Approval or correction of the minutes of the City Council Meeting of January 21, 2025.
- Personal Appearances:
- Reports: None.
- Second Reading of Previously Read Bills: None.
- Committee Reports:
- Public Works Committee Report:
- 1. Community Development:
- Off Premises Sign Request: There was a consensus that the PWC would entertain a request from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church for a single location, off the right-of-way, preferably at South 7/13 Junction.
- Asbestos Removal Bids for 402 E Jefferson and 411 E Oak: PWC recommends, 2-0, accept Insco Environmental bid of $5,485.
- Condemnation Update: Formal condemnation process will begin for 209 S. Washington and 506 E. Grandriver. 503 E. Jefferson has obtained a construction permit, work is underway.
- Street Department:
- 2025 Project Lists:
- Prioritized Mill & Fill (M&F) and Micro Surface (MS) List: PWC recommends, 2-0, to proceed with 1) up to $250,000 of M&F and MS projects, to be funded through Fund 24 and 2) up to $250,000 of M&F and MS projects to be funded through Fund 25.
- North & South 2nd Street Micro Surface (MS) Information: PWC recommends, 2-0, to proceed with MS project for North Second St. (Ohio to North 7/13 Junction) to be funded through Fund 23. UPDATE: See enclosed City Administrator memo.
- Second Street striping plan: PWC recommends, 2-0, to proceed with obtaining a cost proposal from CJW Transportation Consultants to develop a striping plan to allow for striping in conjunction with the MS project in Item ii, to be funded through Fund 23. UPDATE: See enclosed City Administrator memo.
- Price Lane, from MoDOT maintenance line to the south drive at the Aquatic Center: PWC recommends, 2-0, to proceed with obtaining a cost proposal from CJW to develop plans for roadway repairs for this area, to be funded through Fund 25.
- Waste Water:
- December Operations Report: Info only.
- Screening & Grit Removal Improvements
- Pista Grit System Site Visit: Steve McKim reported that he and Jon Patriarca visited the St. Robert Wastewater Plant to see a Pista grit removal system. It has been functioning for 1 year; the operator was pleased with the system and had no complaints. Steve noted that the St. Robert system was located inside a building to reduce the chance of freezing.
- Discuss project options: PWC recommends, 2-0, that the City direct Garver to proceed with preparing plans for the installation of a grit removal system to replace the existing chain and scraper system.
- WWTP Improvement Project: Preliminary project schedule was reviewed. It indicated that mobilization will begin in early April, with project completion by end of 2025. There was discussion that the completion date would likely be extended if the Screening & Grit Removal Improvements are incorporated into this scope of work.
- Public Safety Committee Report:
- 1. Flock Safety proposal
- Finance Committee Report: None.
- Mayor’s Report
- Mayor’s recommendation for the appointment of Lillie Emsweller to replace Shelia McClain to the Clinton Housing Authority Board with a term expiring December, 2027.
- Mayor’s recommendation for the appointment of Bailey Sapp to replace Gary Mount to the Clinton Housing Authority Board with a term expiring December, 2028.
- Mayor’s recommendation for the appointment of Gary Mount as the Clinton Housing Authority Board Liaison.
- City Administrator’s Report
- Unfinished Business: None.
- New Business: None.
- Adjournment
Individuals desiring to speak at the meeting are asked to fill out a speaker card and submit it to the Clerk prior to the call to order. Speakers are respectfully asked to limit their comments to three (3) minutes or less. Speakers will be called on to speak during the appropriate portion of the meeting. Please address your comments to the Mayor/Chairman. If you require accommodation (i.e. qualified interpreter, large print, and/or hearing assistance) please notify this office at (660-885-6121) no later than forty-eight hours prior to the scheduled commencement of the meeting.